Systemic wins LIFT award, new version of Systemic (2.17)

I am very happy to announce that Systemic has been awarded the LIFT grant. This means that, together with my colleagues Joel Green and Randi Ludwig, I will be able to work full-time — instead of as a side project — on improving and expanding Systemic, and creating new educational apps like Systemic Live and Super Planet Crash, over the next year!

I am also releasing a new release of Systemic 2 (2.17) which addresses some bugs and improves the documentation for installation on Linux. You can download it now.

Below are some of the changes:

– NEW: ktable function for listing the fit values as a table, suitable for exporting to TeX or HTML
– NEW: Bayesian Information Criterion menu item
– NEW: Quadratic trend term
– CHANGED: Periodograms report the normalized power between 0 < p < 1, where power = 1 is a perfect fit. — This is a bug corrected in 2.172.
– FIXED: bug where the semi-amplitude would be calculated incorrectly for massive bodies. (credit: Trifon Trifonov)
– FIXED: bug in simplex that would crash the application if the minimizer encountered a NaN value.
– FIXED: bug in the GUI that would crash the application in case of excessive text output.
– FIXED: Fixed naming of columns in the matrix returned by kdata().
– FIXED: bug where the radial velocity curve or periodogram would look excessively jagged.
– FIXED: bug in kperiodogram.boot where the function could crash.
– FIXED: bug in kperiodogram.boot where the function would only calculate the ‘full’ periodogram (instead of the periodogram of residuals) for certain inputs.
– FIXED: bug in the GUI periodogram routine, where you could receive an error for certain power spectra.
– FIXED: Kernel plot using plot() respects the chosen xlim.
– FIXED: MCMC would crash in certain situations when set up from the menu.
– FIXED: 1LO-crossval returns the signed sum of logs, instead of the absolute value.
– FIXED: clarified the installation instructions (Readme.txt) for Linux. (credit: Franz Feldtkeller)
– FIXED: you can now choose a path for R that is not /usr/bin/R by selecting Help -> Set path to R…
– FIXED: F-test menu item uses the current kernel instead of the kernel named “k”.
– Various bug-fixes in the plotting routines.

Bugs reported at are unfortunately still open due to lack of time to address them. They will be fixed in 2.18.

New release of Systemic 2 (2.14)

I have just released a new version of Systemic 2 (2.14).  Lots of little bug fixes, together with a few features.

My favorite is the “smooth orbit plot”, which recreates plots that will appear on an upcoming planet paper (I will put proper credit here once the paper is out!). The routine takes samples of orbital elements from the output of a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo or bootstrap run, and plots the orbits with some transparency, so that it is visually evident where orbits “crowd up”.

Smooth orbit plot
Smooth orbit plot made with Systemic 2.14

On top of the samples, I plotted the “best-fit” orbit in red (which hopefully will fall on top of the range of possible orbital elements!). This plot can also give some visual sense of multi-modal or non-symmetrical element distributions.

Download Systemic 2.14

Other changes:
– Added a feature for smoother/faster plotting in GUI
– Periodograms now print out the strongest peaks
– Periodograms are zoomable
– Fixed Cross-validation for fits with only one planet
– New menu item to add random Gaussian noise to data
– Smooth orbits plot from an error estimation object
– FIXED: Improved Linux installation instructions (credit for reporting: Thomas Kosvic)
– FIXED: bug in SWIFTRMVS on 32-bit installations (credit for reporting: Thomas Kosvic)