I occasionally write short articles for the general public, or — when I’m lucky! — articles are written about my work.

These are articles I wrote for the general public.
- Creating Online Apps for Outreach and Education
AstroBetter, July 2014 - Telescope apps help amateurs hunt for exoplanets
The Conversation, UK, republished on Scientific American, Apr. 2014 - Star Wars planets migrate into position around stellar pairs
The Conversation, UK, republished on Scientific American, Ars Technica, and The New Statesman, Feb. 2014 - Growing planets around binary stars
Guest post on Planet Hunters blog, Nov. 2012
Press releases, media and interviews
These are articles that feature my work, or that I provided quotes for.

- Take Five: Stefano Meschiari, Creator of SuperPlanetCrash
Cogito, July 2014 - Super Planet Crash’ Game Is Like An Astronomer’s Version Of ‘Angry Birds
Huffington Post, Apr. 2014 - Build (and Destroy) Your Own Solar System with This Awesome Exoplanet Game
VICE Motherboard, Apr. 2014 - Play this: ‘Super Planet Crash’ tests your god mode
The Verge, Apr. 2014 - Forget Candy Crush — Super Planet Crash makes you a god
GlobalNews, Apr. 2014 - Super Planet Crash, la gravità è un gioco – Video segment on INAF-TV
INAF, Apr. 2014 - Internet Game “Super Planet Crash” Lets You, Well, Simulate Planet Collisions
The Creators Project, Apr. 2014 - Super Planet Crash
Kottke.org, Apr. 2014 - A Game That Lets You Build — Or Destroy — Your Own Solar System
io9, Apr. 2014 - Orbital physics is child’s play with ‘Super Planet Crash’
UC Santa Cruz press release, Apr. 2014 - Texas, California Astronomers Release New Game ‘Super Planet Crash’
McDonald Observatory press release, April 2014 - Lick’s Automated Planet Finder: First robotic telescope for planet hunters
UC Santa Cruz press release, March 2014 - How Did Tatooine Form?
Astrobites, Oct. 2013 - A Tatooine Family
Sky and Telescopes, Aug. 2012 - New planet discoveries suggest low-mass planets are common around nearby stars
UC Santa Cruz press release, Dec. 2009 - Astronomers get a sizzling weather report from a distant planet
UC Santa Cruz press release, Jan. 2009 - Planet hunters wanted to help astronomers in the search for new worlds
UC Santa Cruz press release, Oct. 2006