Systemic Console 2 is a new software package for fitting and analyzing a variety of exoplanetary data. It is a complete rewrite of the old Systemic Console. It consists of a fast, parallelized C library (which you can easily integrate into your own project), an R package providing a high-level interface to the library, and an easy-to-use “studio” user interface for interactive use and plotting.
Systemic is an open-source project released under GPLv3. You can browse its source code on its GitHub page.
- Interactive fitting of radial velocity and transit timing data using a point-and-click interface or scripts;
- Lomb-Scargle periodograms with bootstrapped false alarm probabilities;
- Self-consistent integration using a builtin integrator (Runge-Kutta 8/9 or Bulirsch-Stoer) or a custom integrator;
- Optimization using one of the Simplex, Levenberg-Marquardt, Simulated Annealing or Differential Evolution algorithms;
- Error estimation using Bootstrap, Markov-Chain Monte Carlo, or custom routines;
- Simple facilities for data input/output, manipulation and cleaning;
- Dynamical integration with SWIFT’s RMVS algorithm;
- And many more features (explore the menu of the Systemic user interface for pointers).
To read about the latest changes and bug fixes, read the What’s new? document.
Mac OS X
If you are running Mac OS X, we provide a ready-to-use distribution (no compilation required). An Intel Mac with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or better is required. Expand the archive called systemic_mac.tar.gz and follow the instructions in the file “README_1st.txt”.
Other Unix
If you are using a Unix platform, please download the version including only the sources (systemic_*.tar.gz), and read the README_Compiling.txt file to proceed with compiling the package.
Documentation will be forthcoming. In the meantime:
- Check out the Systemic Cookbook for recipes.
- This tutorial presentation guides you through fitting the Kepler-18 TTV dataset (by Dan Fabrycky and Darin Ragozzine, presented at the Sagan Exoplanet Workshop).
You can check out the papers I wrote with the previous version of the Systemic Console (1.x):
- Meschiari, S., Laughlin, G., et al., The Lick-Carnegie Survey: Four New Exoplanets
- Meschiari, S., Laughlin, G., Systemic: A Testbed for Characterizing the Detection of Extrasolar Planets. II. Numerical Approaches to the Transit Timing Inverse Problem
- Meschiari, S., Wolf, S., et al., Systemic: A Testbed for Characterizing the Detection of Extrasolar Planets. I. The Systemic Console Package
- Planets discovered or characterized using the Systemic Console
Bugs and limitations
Please file an issue ticket on the GitHub issues page if you encounter a bug. Be sure to specify the version of Systemic, R and operating system you were using, and steps to reproduce the bug.